Advanced Python Concepts That You Must Know

Advanced Python Concepts That You Must Know

Let’s take a look at each of these Advanced Python concepts one by one and make sure we understand them well! Python is easy to learn, likened to other high-level, object-oriented programming languages such as Java or C++. Still, it offers a few basic notions that are useful for developing stable, clear, highly optimized, fast, and normalized code. If you use these methods in your code, you will be able to reduce errors and increase efficiency, allowing you to become a skilled Python programmer.  

Python Training in Delhi at FITA Academy will equip us to understand and learn about Python. 

1. Map Function

Map() is a built-in way in Python that allows us to process all of the elements in an iterable without using a looping construct. It replaces a map thing, which is an iterator when operated. The result of managing the given part to each object in the iterable works this map object.

Function definition – required_answer = map(function, iterable)

There are two arguments to the map() function:

  • The first argument is a function that will be applied to every element in the iterable.
  • The second argument is iterable on which the function is to be mapped.

2. Lambda Function

Lambda functions in Python are unknown parts that don’t have a name and are one line of code long. In Python, the term ‘def’ is used to define functions, whereas the keyword ‘lambda’ is used to describe lambda functions. They can take any number of factors, but only one expression can be used at a time. It creates code for easy, logical processes, quick and easy to read, and it’s perfect for when you only need to use the function once.

3. Decorators

Decorators are a type of usage of the term in Python that allows you to add new features to the existing code without changing its structure at the code level. It works in the same way as a normal Python function in that it may be called and gives a callable. It accepts a part, adds functionality, and returns it.

4. Collections

Sets, tuples, dictionaries, and lists are examples of overall inbuilt objects in Python. Python collections is a module that implements data types for specialized containers. 

5. Threading

A thread is the smallest unit or process that an operating system may plan. The Thread class in Python is helpful for multithreading applications. Multithreading is generally used to speed up work by dividing tasks across multiple threads. The threading module is needed to execute threading in Python (since the thread module is deprecated).

Python Training in Hyderabad will help you become an expert in python coding and teach from basic to advanced Python.


We discussed the Advanced python concepts and its functions in the blog. Python’s future growth looks promising. Top companies are staying with the current and future rising technologies of java and Python. Python has thus become an essential language, with Python being used for study, production, and development. Python is used by small, large, and start-up businesses to suit their customers’ needs. To learn the core concepts in Python, 

join Python Training in Kochi. Also, gain knowledge about How effective Python is?

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